Sunflower Prayers
1073 photos
Visitors 334
Member since 30-Mar-14

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I knew I wanted to be a photographer since I held my first camera at age 12. I have spent years learning, practicing and perfecting my craft. 

Preserving a moment in time to remember and share with others is one of the best parts of photography.
I like to capture the little things that sometimes are missed or taken for granted, the tiny wildflower , textures of nature and the moment someones true personality is revealed.
I feel a portrait should reflect who a person really is and I strive to capture that special something that makes each of us unique. The making of a portrait should be enjoyable and I try to make each session relaxed and fun.
I hope you enjoy the of moments in time that I have been able to capture and share.

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Prom sample galleryBerkheimer Wedding June 2020Romance Wedding Oct. 2019Wedding Portrait PortfolioFamily Portrait PortfolioAnimalsSenior Portrait PortfolioNature